Saturday, October 19, 2013

Detroit Tigers (2013) Not That Hungry***

Particularly, concerning the ALCS (against the Red Sox) the Tigers looked tired & old. Their hitting was atrocious.  I almost figured they were lucky to beat the A's in the divisional series.  The last month of the season was a big indicator to me that they would not make the World Series.  It was almost liked they played a new season since then but, the "team" was without Fielder and Cabrera. 

You can't have Fielder go such a very long time without an RBI.  Also, Cabrera proved to be a huge liability in the field with his injury.  They just all around looked sluggish.  The Red Sox looked like they were hungrier and, had the drive to do whatever it takes to get to the Fall Classic.  They took more risks and, they usually paid off.  Not to mention that Leyland can't manage a bullpen to save his life.  In Game 6 you have to have Scherzer go the distance.  BIG MISTAKE.....BIG 

*Better luck next year Tigers!!!

Paul E. Spors

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