Sunday, October 20, 2013

Washington's $80 million Man!!!!

At this point in time the Redskin faithful need to recognize that "their team" is RG3.  My concern for their franchise is not having their player get hurt.  He needs to develop the "ability" to become a better pocket passer.  If not, in the future he will get smashed and, it will take the Redskins another 4 years to rebuild.  In general, they have a good defense.  They need more of a solid leadership role from Griffin.  Griffin needs to take command of that team and, decide that they won't be losers anymore in the NFC east.  With all the $ this cat makes he needs to bring more to the table.  Overall, Washington's return on investment with RG3 has not been what it should be to this point.  BTW good win against the Bears today.         Paul E. Spors 10-21-2013 

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