Sunday, October 20, 2013


Well, what I can tell you is that I didn't expect my Colts to pull it out.  OK call it a lack of faith in Andrew Luck and, crew.  However, after watching them get handled by the Chargers last week I was worried.  Robert Mathis may have had the game of his life.  The Colts ruffed up Peyton like I haven't seen all year.  I was very happy with the way the Indy fans cheered and, paid respects to him before the game.  And, then at kickoff went crazy and, it was game time.  My suspicion is that this is a prequel to a playoff matchup of some kind.  Hopefully, the Colts will play them at home. 

I would like to see the Colts get better at running the ball/time management.  You can not let the clock stop and, open up opportunities for great quarterbacks like Manning.  Next time he will get you; if you can't close that door properly.  Don't get me wrong. They did a good job.  But, not a suffocating job so that the Broncos steam was taken out of their sails with 5 minutes left.  Particularly, in this game the Colts should have "locked-up" this game by that point. 

I couldn't ask for a better defensive effort from the crew.  Blue jerseys were everywhere.  The "d" line pushed hard and gave Peyton relatively little time to operate.

Broncos looked like the Broncos usually do this year.  The looked like the team to beat.  Eric Decker is a beast making some crazy circus catches.  Best of luck to the Broncos the rest of the year and, in particular to my favorite NFL player all-time Peyton Manning. 

Paul E. Spors

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