Saturday, October 19, 2013

Denver Broncos VS. Indy's Colts ***** 10-20-2013

After the big fiasco with Jim Irsay this week; Peyton Manning will be ready.  I believe this game to be of great importance to the Colts.  After losing all respect last week against San Diego they must make a statement tonight.  I don't believe they have to win; but they must show.  They have to show that they can hang with the best.  If they lose by 10 or less I believe that to be a respectable showing.  I'd love for them to come out and, beat the Broncos.  That would be huge for my Colts.  However, I've seen this Manning guy play before he's pretty good. 

I expect Manning to clock manage very, very well.  That is why the Colts must put up touchdowns every drive.  If they don't they are in big trouble. Expect Manning to lead the Broncos with 40 minutes in time of possession.  It is pretty clear that both of these teams are playoff bound.  With that in mind; is this a preview of what we could see come January. 

Final score Broncos 40 Colts 23 

*Colts fans you had better cheer your guy on. Even though he's on another team now.  Don't be like Houston and, jeer the main reason you so much success. 

Paul E. Spors

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