Sunday, July 14, 2013

Take Away His Cape!

Max Scherzer finally gets a loss.  As far as, I'm concerned so far he is the biggest story of the 2013 baseball season.  Giving up four runs and, not getting enough run support from an explosive offensive unit caused this loss.  It is almost a foregone conclusion that proportionately he will be the best pitcher this year and, we aren't even to the All-Star break yet.  The one big question I have is....At the end of the 2014 season will the Tigers be able to afford this type of an arm.  Or, can we get Verlander back to "out of this world" type pitching to the put the Tigers into real serious contention again. 
Along, with getting pitching straight and, riding Scherzer hard.  The Tigers should be able to make the playoffs and, make a deep run.  I am excited to see how Scherzer does the rest of the year and, ultimately see how he finishes his contract.   Are we looking at the next Yankee? 

Paul E. Spors

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