Monday, July 22, 2013

CHOKING GF by MTSU player(s)

Wow, the fact that we have come to this is amazing.  I recommend that you view this article in conjunction with my post.  These (3) dudes appear to be redshirt sophomores.  Which is funny cuz they don't even start.  This is my official plee to NFL teams and, all collegiate sporting teams (particularly b-ball and football).  Please, look into a person's background and viability as being "college" material before letting them be on the "team".  I don't believe for 1 second that this is a racial thing; however I do believe it to be a morality thing.  Maybe, just maybe if we as a nation started profiling players before (or even during) looking at their stats. as to their moral past; we could promote our sport(s) better.  Going further, I do not believe that by looking at moral fitness that quality of play on field/court will be influenced one bit.  In fact, I believe that it will enhance it.  It will bring better ambassadors to the sport(s) arena (not intended to be a pun).  Particularly, basketball and football are team games.  In general, they do not live and die by any 1 player on their team.  Keeping this in mind; I think teams everywhere should be very selective about who they use to represent their school/team.  From now on....I promise that I will think of Middle Tennessee State as..."Isn't that where they had those dudes who choked they girl!?"

Paul E. Spors

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