Friday, January 11, 2013

Peyton Manning VS. Ray Lewis 1-11-2013

There has been much hype and, rightfully so over these two greats meeting tomorrow. One of them could very easily be his last game. I would argue that both of these players have something "extra" to prove tomorrow. Ray Lewis that he will go out a winner against a formidable foe. Peyton Manning needs to prove that he is the Peyton Manning of old or, maybe even better. My prediction is that the Ravens will hang in there until about half time. Then they will just lose it in the third quarter. This due to Manning's surgical and precise approach to dismantling teams. The Ravens "d" needs to be prepared to be on the field for a long time. And, the Broncos defense is definitely better than any defense Manning had in Indianapolis. Win or lose for either of these players; a lasting legacy has been made for each. One of the more interesting things about this game is that both player is as tied or synonymous with a franchise as any players to play any sport. The Ravens could easily be named the Baltimore Ray Lewis's....likewise for the Indianapolis Manning's. The score will be 35-17 Broncos. Joe Flacco will have a career deflating day. He will also look as UN-elite as he ever has. Best of luck to both teams; as well as to Lewis and Manning. As a true advocate of the game I hope that we continue to see Manning for a long time. Mr. Lewis (win or lose) it has been a fun ride and, you will be missed. I think that it would be great to see you in the analyst booth. Paul E. Spors

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