Friday, March 22, 2013

Underdogs in the tournament ....NOT so MUCH ***

Maybe I was the only one who was anticipating many more of the underdogs winning in the first round.  The main underdogs to win so far are 3 of the 12 seeds.  The only exception to not win was Akron who played VCU.  VCU appears to be very dangerous and, Michigan had better be ready to play.  They look like a team to be reckoned with.  Their defense and, offensive penetration look solid as well as spectacular.  Maybe just maybe we will see a few more upsets this afternoon.  The main potential I see left today are Minnesota over UCLA and, Colorado over Illinois.  However, to some degree they wouldn't be considered upsets b/c of how close they are in seeding.  Anything outside of these would be considered a "real" upset though.  Get ready for a wild weekend.  The great teams are just getting ready to fight for there lives.  I'd like see Indiana, MSU, VCU and, Louisville keep rolling.  They play great ball and, provide great entertainment.

Paul E. Spors

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