Thursday, March 7, 2013

Richard Sherman Ranting on First Take!!!

Mr. Sherman had some very unkind words for Skip Bayless today on ESPN's "First Take".  The Seahawks star should take some time and, chill.  Before, you go running at the mouth their are a couple of factors that he should consider.  First, that he "is" a player in the NFL.  With all this obnoxious noise about being better than Darrelle Revis maybe he needs to not be on Twitter so much. You can debate those issues at another time.  Even "if" Richard Sherman were the best player to play football in the last 20 years.  He needs to calm down.

If I were a player in the NFL; particularly a Revis teammate next year.  He would be getting a message.  With the intensity of the game.  And, the overwhelming violence that is part of the NFL's nature he had better be more careful than to have diarrhea of the mouth. Hopefully, for his sake his "3rd year" won't be his last.  All that I can say is that if I were a wide receiver or, tight end I wouldn't be trying to necessarily avoid a tackle.  I'd try to take it head on so that maybe he gets that everybody in the league is/are the best in the world at this game.

Paul E. Spors

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