Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ryan Grigson Answers ?s regarding his approach & Style

Ryan Grigson the Indianapolis Colts general manger answered questions Thursday regarding whether he would rather draft a tackle or, a defensive back. His response was that he would rather take a defensive back because; he felt it was an easier adjustment to the NFL.  And, that all you have to do for a great defensive back is to have amnesia on plays.  But, for a tackle the adjustment period is very significant.  Its not an easy position and, that they will be confronted with a wide variety of blitzes.  As well as, seeing players that are unbelievably big. Or, physical specimens that they hadn't seen in college.

Grigson is a combine veteran who has worked it for years.  Starting from entry-level positions and, moving up the ranks to one of its top officials.  When posed the question; "What would be the one thing you would change in the combine?"  He said, that he would put the players in pads and, see how they perform in a more game simulated setting.  I think this is a great suggestion and, the NFL should consider it.

Paul E. Spors 2-26-2013

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