Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Disappointing Te'O @ Combine

After all the hullabaloo about Manti Te'O having a "fake" girlfriend.  And, in my mind the media harassment that he has underwent.  He showed up to the combine.....To not show up at the combine.  With a 40yd dash speed of 4.82 seconds; he really should have been faster to erase doubts about his abilities.  In some respect this lack of speed and, effort has caused major concerns for teams that are near the top of the draft.  He will absolutely get drafted and, should.  However, he really hurt his stock.  But, most of all he really, really hurt his stock when he didn't man-up to the fact that he was slow.  Don't bring excuses or, that trash that you ran a 4.5 sec. 40yd dash yesterday.  We don't care.  If you can't show up at the combine.  Maybe like Jim Rome said "You can't show up in the 4th quarter."
Paul E. Spors 2-26-2013

Ryan Grigson Answers ?s regarding his approach & Style

Ryan Grigson the Indianapolis Colts general manger answered questions Thursday regarding whether he would rather draft a tackle or, a defensive back. His response was that he would rather take a defensive back because; he felt it was an easier adjustment to the NFL.  And, that all you have to do for a great defensive back is to have amnesia on plays.  But, for a tackle the adjustment period is very significant.  Its not an easy position and, that they will be confronted with a wide variety of blitzes.  As well as, seeing players that are unbelievably big. Or, physical specimens that they hadn't seen in college.

Grigson is a combine veteran who has worked it for years.  Starting from entry-level positions and, moving up the ranks to one of its top officials.  When posed the question; "What would be the one thing you would change in the combine?"  He said, that he would put the players in pads and, see how they perform in a more game simulated setting.  I think this is a great suggestion and, the NFL should consider it.

Paul E. Spors 2-26-2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Dr. Mark Emmert & the NCAA

Emmert should step down due to his loss of institutional control  of the NCAA.  The NCAA is a great concept to regulate the amateur status of all athletes at the collegiate level.  However, Emmert has headed up an organization that has become slippery at best itself.  Due to the unethical issues related to the investigative process at the University of Miami involving Mr. Shapiro.
This is the regulatory body not a school.  And, on that basis we need to have Mr. Emmert step down.  At this point big time universities need to get together and revamp a program that works.  Mr. Emmert's program doesn't.  Maybe the NCAA can work again to fit it's goal of ethical collegiate athletics.  In the words of Mike Greenburg from "Mike and Mike" radio show.....it is just "laughable" that this guy is still in charge or, that we should give any credence to his future sanctions on teams.  At what point does the NCAA decide they need a new front man?  Myself and, many others believe that time is now.  "IF" that time is not now then we can not take the NCAA seriously in the future.  We can not take their regulatory status or their sanctions to be of any merit.  Nor should any school for that matter.  Maybe big time programs should think about moving away from the NCAA?   Paul E. Spors 2-22-2013  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Change in field size for NFL????

The NFL released a statement today or, yesterday saying that it is considering changing the field size.  By making it a wider configuration.  It is confusing to me that the NFL would release such a statement at this time.  What are they hoping to gain at this juncture?   Have they done ALL the research to know how this will affect the games?  Will this change; change the way referees call the games?  By its appearance it looks like the NFL is trying to make the game safer and, take a little steam off of some of the hits that can happen.

It would be prudent to take extensive surveys of fans and, to see what the players think of this.  This could be a significant detriment to the game.  As well as on the flip side this could make the game that much better. Hopefully, for the NFL's sake this isn't like the replacement ref situation; where they just look bad.  Roger Goodell has been particularly arrogant on one specific front that bothers me.  That is that he comes through and, makes a lot of decisions thinking that the fans will always watch football.  And, that the NFL can do just about anything and, the demand of the game will continue.  He may or, may not be right about that.  However, I think a change of field size has the potential to be both good and, bad equally.

We'll see where this story goes from here.  I am looking forward to hearing more about this in the future.
Paul E. Spors 2-12-2013

Sparty vs. In-State Rival Michigan (Another Big 10 Battle)

I know (like everybody else) that the Big 10 is crazy good this year. We are in for another showdown between the #8 and #4 seed in the country. Both are great contenders for the Big 10 title. Outside of being a Big 10 fight; this should be a great game due to being the first game this season where both teams have at least 20 wins. And, this is the first time in the series that they will be facing each other while both being the in the top 10 in the country. This should be a very closely contested game with local and, national implications. However, unlike a lot of others who have discussed this game; I don't believe this game to be a must win game for either. There is a lot of season left and, all teams in the Big 10 had better get a lot better if they want a piece of the Big 10 title. Or, a deep run at a national championship. Sparty needs Appling to play out of his mind with a ferocious team led defense. The other part of the strategy should be to out-muscle and, feed the offense through the post for the Spartans to come out with a victory. On the other hand the Wolverines need to create shots for each other as well as on an individual basis. They have a group of guys that can all create their own shots; maybe the best in the country at this aspect. They have to shoot well and, have great ball control. And, in general play at the pace that Michigan wants to if they have a shot at this win. I am not going to pick a winner. Because, I'll probably be wrong. Either way this should be another classic match-up. A good prequel to the big dance coming up next month. It starts at 9 p.m. eastern tonight. Enjoy!!!! Paul E. Spors 2-12-2013